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6 Steps to Selling Your Small Business

Selling a small business is a complicated process that requires the help of a broker, accountant and an attorney. Contrary to popular belief, the sale of a business isn't necessarily a profitable one. If the business is taking a downturn or you sell at the wrong time, you may walk away empty-handed.

These six considerations will help you navigate the selling and negotiations processes.

1. Why are You Selling the Business?

Why are you selling your business? This is one of the first questions buyers will ask, and your answer will almost certainly affect the buyer's interest.

Maybe you want to enjoy an early retirement, or you feel you're overworked. Maybe you're bored with the business or a dispute with your partner has made it impossible to work together. In some cases, business owners sell because of an illness or a death in the family.

Of course, some businesses are put up for sale because they are no longer profitable. In this case, finding a serious buyer can be a challenge. Taking steps to increase profits before you sell may improve your chances of finding a buyer.

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Real Qualities Of Great Car Accident Attorneys


Car accident attorneys offer a service that is often misunderstood by clients. It is important to understand that whenever a car accident happens and there is even a slim possibility that you will need to deal with legal problems, this attorney should be contacted. However, this does not mean that you can simply hire the very first one you find. When looking for such a service you are interested in high quality, as with Baumgartner Law Firm. With this in mind, you do want to base your research on finding the highly experienced attorney. This is normal. Besides this, you also want to look for the following qualities that are signs that the car accident attorney will do a good job.

A Good Listener

It is vital for practically any attorney to actively listen to what clients are saying. Those attorneys that do not listen are those that are practically interested in making money fast and not in getting as much as possible for their clients. You should always pay close attention to whether or not the attorney is listening to everything you say and engaging in active conversations. If not, you want to look for someone else. The very best car accident attorney will always try to learn as much as possible about the case before offering indications. When you are instantly offered solutions without knowing much about the case, the attorney is not a good one.

An Ethical Approach

Unfortunately, there are so many car accident attorneys out there that first think about shady practices and then about what is actually ethical. You want to work with those attorneys that have a strong code of ethics. If you are told that you should fake some injury, the best thing that you can do is look for someone else and even report that attorney since this is completely illegal. Do not be tempted by the premise of getting more money. If illegal practices are used, your case will suffer and you are not going to receive much in return for what happened to you.

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Ask These Questions Before Hiring Car Accident Attorneys

One of the very first things that you notice when you start looking for a car accident attorney is that there are literally thousands that you can choose from. The majority will tell you that they are the best so it is up to you to figure out exactly which one should be hired. You are mainly interested in quality and being properly represented all throughout the process. This is why you do need to ask the following questions, according to the specialists at Diederich Law Firm. They will help you make a better choice.

What Are Your Plans For The Case?

Free consultations allow you to ask any question you might have. This meeting is actually about you interviewing the considered car accident attorney as much as it is for him to get details about what you are faced with. The attorney that did handle various accident cases in the past is always going to be able to tell you exactly what plan is the best in your case. There won’t be a delay in answering and you will be told what the next steps should be for a good outcome.

How Many Similar Cases Did You Handle In The Past?

Keep in mind that the question is not about how many car accident cases were handled in the past. The difference is very important since there can be so many things that differ from one case to the next. With this in mind, your main focus is to discuss with the attorney and see if he did handle cases that are similar to yours. For instance, if the case is not going to go to trial, you are interested in an attorney that did manage to negotiate many good deals for clients as they were talking with insurance companies. This is the type of actual experience you are looking for.

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DUI Misconceptions That Should Be Dispelled

In the US, out of all the charges, DUI charges are among the really common. Prevalence is really high so it should come as no surprise to see that various DUI misconceptions appeared along the years. The law offices of Thomas, Webb, and Willis present the most common ones that they met from hundreds of past clients. These are the ones nobody should believe.

Different Foods Or Drinks Diminish Alcohol Effect

There are way too many that think they can remove alcohol impairment by simply splashing water on the face or by drinking coffee. Such food and drink related tactics can help people remain awake and not fall asleep while driving, but impairment levels are not going to be influenced. Drinking effects do take time in order to wear off.

It is Possible To Measure BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) Alone

There are many that think they have the ability to estimate BAC levels and will take this into account when saying that they are impaired or not. We do have some formulas that are used in order to estimate how much alcohol you have in your body but the truth is that they all offer just estimates. It is impossible to guess how impaired you are. Police officers will never care about what you think you should drink. Precise information is needed. Remember that two people that drink the same amount of alcohol will be impaired differently, even if they have the same age, weight and many other factors.

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Trucking Accidents: Legal Complexities to Consider

Trucking accidents, when they involve big rigs, are more complex and deadly than a simple car accident. The number of individuals involved in the accident adds to the complexity even if it's just you and the opposing truck driver,

When a truck accident occurs, the parties responsible can include a number of people, including:

  • The driver
  • The truck's owner
  • The employing company
  • Manufacturers
  • Shippers or loaders

Complexity leads to lengthy, costly legal battles. If you're in an accident, you may have numerous parties that are held responsible for the accident.

Manufacturers, Shippers and Loaders

Not only will the driver, owner and employer be potentially responsible for the accident, but manufacturers, shippers and loaders may also be involved. An investigation into the cause of the crash will need to be completed.

There are times when these parties may be held responsible:

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  4387 просмотров

When Do You Need a Personal Injury Lawyer to Represent You?

Injuries can occur for a variety of reason. Sometimes, it is because of a situation beyond the control of either you or others. In other instances, there is a party at fault for your accident. For the latter scenario, legal representation can often be quite helpful for the aggrieved individual. However, it can be difficult to determine when it is time to call a lawyer and when you should attempt to manage things yourselves. Here, you will find a list of occasions when it is best to hire a lawyer to defend you.

Was The Damage Caused by Others?

There are times when it is apparent that someone else was to blame for a particular accident or disablement. This is commonly found with motor accidents. If this is the situation that you are facing, it can be helpful to get the legal assistance of personal injury lawyers in Whitby. This is because you will soon be facing legal discussions with the other party as well as their insurance company. If you want to make sure that you are well compensated for any of the harm that you faced, you will need a legal advisor.

Are You Working Against Time Limitations?

As mentioned, there are different types of trauma that you can experience and different type of actions that you can take accordingly. While certain claims are rather straightforward, others can be more complex and be time sensitive as well. Take medical malpractice suits, for example. These must be filed and the responsibleindividual should be given notice within a certain period of time. If this is not done, your suit will become invalid. If you are not familiar with the legal system, it can be quite difficult to quickly maneuver these proceedings. Therefore, you may lose out on time simply by trying to understand what is going on. An experienced lawyer will be able to prevent this.

Is Your Only Contact an Insurance Company Representative?

Insurance companies are mainly concerned with reducing their losses as much as possible. This is why they hire certain representatives to save them as much money as possible. These individuals will contact the person making the claim and try to gather as much information as possible. In doing so, they will find a way to discredit your claim based on the details you have provided them. If you are being contacted by such an individual, you should not answer any questions. Here, you will need to contact a personal injury lawyer in Oshawa and tell them about your situation. Instead of providing the representative with any information, tell them to contact your lawyer.

Are You Being Lowballed?

It has already been discerned that insurance companies will try to save money. Another one of the ways that they will do this is by either refusing to pay or offering you an unimaginably low amount of money. If you feel that what you are being offered is not enough to cover your medical expenses, call a lawyer immediately.

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When Dogs Bite, Who is Held Liable?

Owning a dog comes with great responsibility. Along with fulfilling a dog's basic needs (food, shelter and water), it's also the owner's job to make sure the dog doesn't pose a threat to other people or animals.

But even the friendliest of dogs can bite if provoked or scared. Who is held liable when a dog attacks?

Who is Liable for Dog Bites?

Laws may vary from one location to the next, but more than half of states hold the dog owner responsible for bites and other dog-related injuries.

These laws may be called ""dog bite statutes,"" but they cover all dog-related injuries – not just bites.

Dog bite statutes are usually ""strict liability,"" which means the owner is held liable regardless of whether he or she did anything wrong. The belief is that dog owners should be responsible for any damages that their dog cause, no matter whether they were careful or even tried to stop the dog from injuring others.

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How to Find a Good Personal Injury Lawyer

If you find yourself a victim of an unfortunate accident, you may need a personal injury lawyer. There are many situations that can result in personal injury. You could be a victim of a slip and fall accident at work, or a victim of negligent driving. The only way to determine if you’re a victim is to speak to a personal injury lawyer. But before you talk to one, you should learn how to find a good one. Here are a few tips.

  1. Choose a lawyer with personal injury experience

The most important thing you can do in your search to find a good lawyer is to choose one with experience in personal injury. The law has many different aspects to it, and lawyers usually specialize in one area. When you look for a lawyer, look for one who has specific experience in personal injury. This makes them well-qualified to handle your case. They won’t need to waste time researching how to handle personal injury cases. And they will know the best way to get you results. For example, Mani Ellis & Layne Attorney handle cases like medical malpractice and car accidents. They have a long history of representing people in personal injury cases. As a result, they could represent you well in court.

  1. Ask for recommendations

A great way to find a lawyer is to ask for recommendations. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know many people. All you need to do is turn to the internet for recommendations. To start your search, you can check in Facebook groups and forums. Ask if anyone has any recommendations. Look for reviews of personal injury lawyers and choose one with positive reviews.

If any friends have recommendations, look into them. It’s likely that you know a few people who have experience with personal injury lawyer. Ask everyone you know, and you might be surprised at how many recommendations you get.

  1. Choose a local lawyer

While you might be tempted to choose a lawyer that’s not local to your incident, it could be a bad idea. Every state has different laws. You need a lawyer with experience representing clients in your state. Otherwise, they may not be familiar with the local laws and processes. You deserve the best, and the best is a lawyer who understands the local laws.

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Hiring a Company to Help You Apply for a Pardon

Many people have made mistakes in their life. They might have committed a crime when they were very young and foolish. Having a criminal record is something that can haunt you forever. It can prevent you from getting a job or accepted into a good school. It can also seriously limit your ability to travel to foreign countries. There is no reason why people who have only committed a single crime that was very small should have that one mistake ruin the rest of their life. Fortunately, people in Canada have the ability to apply for a pardon. A pardon does not completely erase your criminal record. The crime will still be there. However, the crime will be removed from the criminal database that is visible to the public. In other words, it will appear as if you have no criminal record to anyone performing a background check on you. Receiving a pardon can be a very complicated process. Obviously, not every person will be able to qualify. Here is how you can go about hiring a company that specializes in helping people in Canada receive a pardon.

1.  How long has the company been in business? How many previous clients have they helped to receive pardons?

It is important for you to know exactly who you will be dealing with if you hire a company to assist you with your pardon application. Therefore, you should avoid getting involved with a company that does not have an established track record. There are many fly-by-night companies in Canada that will be happy to take your money. Unfortunately, they will provide you with an application that will not put you in a good position to get your pardon approved. Some people deal with these shady companies because of their low prices. However, you always get what you pay for. It will be worth it to pay some extra money to get help from an experienced and qualified company that has helped thousands of people to get a fresh start where their criminal records are concerned. Ideally, you should only do business with a company that has been helping Canadians with their pardon applications for no less than 10 years.

2.  Talk to people you know who have received pardons.

You can get some valuable advice about companies that offer pardon services by talking to people who have already been through this process. Do you have any friends, family members or work colleagues who have been pardoned? If this is the case, you will be able to learn from their mistakes. You would be wise to talk to these people at length and find out everything you can about their experience. Ask them how they found the company that helped prepare their pardon application. How long did the process take? How much did it cost? Did the company stay in constant contact to keep them informed of developments in their case? Would they recommend that you hire the same company to help you with your pardon application? If the answer is yes, get the name and contact info for the company.

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Things You Have To Know About Disclosures In Real Estate

Real estate disclosure settlements appear in many different forms and they are highly useful as the buyer has the opportunity to learn a lot about the experience of the seller and the property. Seller disclosures are highly varied and range from leaky window knowledge to work that is done without the use of a permit. According to,  a seller has the opportunity to disclose different things that negatively affect value, enjoyment or usefulness.

How Is A Disclosure Made?

The big problem with disclosure laws is that they will vary from one state to the next, sometimes even from one city to the next. The really stringent laws are present in California, where sellers have to sign dozens of different documents like transfer disclosure statements, market conditions advisories and natural hazard disclosure.

Typically, disclosure is offered as boilerplate documents with sellers answering different questions with yes or no about the home that is to be sold. Sellers also have to present documented communication about substantial items or defects that have value impact. Based on what is disclosed, the seller can be held liable for a period of up to ten years. This is why caution is really important for real estate sellers or lawsuits can appear without any expectation.

What Is Disclosed?

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Important Things You Have To Know About Divorce Laws

Most divorces are highly stressful events, even if the spouses agree on terms. At the same time, divorce laws are inadequate in many cases and the explanations officially offered are not going to be understood by many. For instance, when discussing how much child support is going to be offered, an exact determination is really hard to reach without discussing things with the other party involved, a mediator or a judge.

While many things can be said about divorce laws, those that are really important are presented below according to the experience of Quinn Law Offices.

Hiring A Divorce Attorney Should Be Seriously Considered

Most people know the fact that hiring an attorney during a divorce is not mandatory but few realize that going to trial without a professional near you is a very bad idea. Having a really good divorce attorney near you is highly impactful. Timely advice is going to be offered and the experience of the lawyer will impact the divorce settlement outcome. This is especially the case in the event the other party hired an attorney and you did not. When this happens the other party is going to have a huge advantage because of one simple factor: local law knowledge. We should also mention the fact divorce attorneys do know exactly how to go through the process and most clients have no real idea about that.

Things Are Much More Serious When Children Are Involved

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Personal Injury 101

personal injury 101

What is personal injury? You may have heard a great deal of discussion regarding legal action after personal injury, but not enough about specifics. The term personal injury is defined as damage to a person's body, rather than to property or reputation. Consider the example of an automobile accident...

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  4013 просмотров

What's the Difference Between Workers' Comp and Disability?


If you're injured while on the job, you may be wondering whether you should apply for workers' comp or disability. Should you apply for both? A lawyer will help you navigate through the process, but it helps to understand the difference between these two forms of compensation. Workers' Comp vs Disab...

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  3983 просмотров

What is Mesothelioma?


We see the term mesothelioma plastered all over the place. It is in law advertisements on television, in magazines, and on billboards. What is mesothelioma though? Why is it so important? Why are so many law firms and lawyers concerned with it? Mesothelioma is a terrifying form of cancer very seldom...

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  8984 просмотров

5 Common Car Accident Injuries

When you become a victim of a car accident, it's likely that you will suffer from a few injuries. Some of those injuries can be long-lasting. Here's a look at some of the more common car accident injuries. If you were in an accident and suffer from one of these injuries, you may be eligible for comp...

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  4098 просмотров

Critical suggestions on choosing the right legal management software for your law firm


With multifarious choices available in the market, shopping around for the best legal practice management software can definitely be a daunting task. A lawyer, whether he is working as a solo lawyer or he is working in a firm where there are several other lawyers working along with him, there are a ...

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  3994 просмотров

Common Questions Regarding Louisiana Personal Injury Law Answered


Immediately after an accident, the name and the laws of the state seldom seem relevant to the victims of an accident, but as time passes and the reality of the situation begins to hit home, understanding them becomes something of paramount importance. Just like any other state in the United States, ...

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Social Media Dos and Don'ts for Lawyers


Social media can be a very effective way for lawyers to grow their practice. One of my friends in Michigan is a family law attorney that has earned a lot of new clients through Facebook, YouTube and Foursquare. While social media has been great for his business, he faced a number of challenges along...

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  4471 просмотров

Can I Get My Texas Criminal Record Expunged?


 Many who've been charged with or convicted of a crime wonder whether they qualify to have their records expunged. You might want a charge removed for various reasons, such as seeking better housing or to increase your employment prospects. You may also want the charge removed simply because yo...

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3 Common Causes of Birth Injuries


Birth trauma occurs to 29 out of 1,000 babies in the United States. If your baby has been injured during birth, this may be the fault of medical staff and/or doctors. The most common birth injuries, include: Cerebral palsyDamage to the brachial plexusLack of oxygenSpinal cord injuriesParalysisErb's ...

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