Legal Blogs
29 августа 2024
Few travel worries strike fear like lost luggage. It is a nightmare situation to lose your luggage at any point during your trip. According to the U.S. Bureau of Transportation statistics, a total of 2 million bags were mishandled in 2021. The fear o...
28 августа 2024
If you have been injured due to someone else's negligence or wrongdoing, you may need to contact a personal injury lawyer and schedule a consultation. While not every injury case requires legal representation, there are certain situations where havin...
21 августа 2024
When it comes to legal representation in Sydney, Oxford Lawyers stand out as a beacon of excellence, commitment, and expertise. With a proven track record of success and a reputation for delivering unparalleled legal services, we have become the top ...
25 мая 2024
If you have been injured due to someone else's negligence or wrongdoing, you may need to contact a personal injury lawyer and schedule a consultation. While not every injury case requires legal representation, there are certain situations where havin...
23 мая 2024
Personal injury law is a complex and nuanced field that requires skilled legal professionals to obtain fair compensation for injured clients. When faced with an incident causing physical, psychological, or financial harm, hiring the right personal in...
17 мая 2024
Being involved in a car accident can turn your world upside down in an instant. Between injuries, vehicle damage, insurance claims, lost income, and other accident-related problems, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. Hiring an experienced attorney after ...
Law Office of Joseph Richards, P.C. - Personal Injury Заявленный
Bruises to Benefits™ We Fight to Win™ - Call for a free initial consultation.
1122 E LINCOLN AVE STE 130, Orange County, Orange 92865, California, Orange County, United States
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Since 2011, the Law Office of Joseph Richards, P.C. has been Orange County's trusted advocate for those harmed by personal injury or wrongful death. Their team of dedicated professionals fights relentlessly to turn clients' setbacks into victories, guiding them through the legal process with compassion and expertise. "Bruises to Benefits™ We Fight to Win™ - Call for a free initial consultation.
NOTICE: Making A False Or Fraudulent Workers' Compensation Claim Is A Felony Subject To Up To 5 Years In Prison Or A Fine Of Up To $50,000 Or Double The Value Of The Fraud, Whichever Is Greater, Or By Both Imprisonment And Fine.
Год основания: 2011
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Joseph Richards
JOSEPH E. RICHARDS, a workers' compensation (Certified Specialist, by the State Bar of California, California Board of Legal Specialization) and employment attorney, is a shareholder of Law Office of Joseph Richards, P.C., and is Of Counsel to Brock & Gonzales, LLP, both firms representing employees in pre-litigation and litigation.
Accident / Personal Injury Lawyers
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If you’ve been injured in a bicycle accident, our experienced bicycle accident lawyers are here to help. We specialize in securing maximum compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Contact us today for a free...If you’ve been injured in a bicycle accident, our experienced bicycle accident lawyers are here to help. We specialize in securing maximum compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Contact us today for a free consultation and personalized legal support. Visit to learn more
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Hi, looking for advice about a subject. What i need to know is how can I escalate the case and take action to solve the problem with or without going to court. Thanks.Post is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.
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Law Office of Joseph Richards, P.C. - Personal Injury
Bruises to Benefits™ We Fight to Win™ - Call for a free initial consultation.